Call Recording System AnyRec Master ™ | Product | DongYang E&I


Call Recording System AnyRec Master ™

Wired/Wireless Integrated Recording device for situation room
AnyRec Master ™

The first domestic and foreign patented technology-applied product that solves the problems of existing recording products

Recording device reflecting Fault-tolerance for situation room

IF fail, No failure

Innovation Products recognized by the Government

  • Optimized for Recording device in Situation room
  • Government-supported technology development products
  • Success in technology development through industry-university cooperation
  • Four patent technologies were applied for the first time at home and abroad solving the problems of existing recording products
  • Maximizing of the performance and the system stability
  • Innovative cost savings
  • Algorithm for fast handling technology of malfunctions

Innovation Products recognized by the Government

Rapid fault response and significant reduction in replacement costs

government certification / recognitions

  • Obtain performance certification from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
  • Passed innovation evaluation by the Public Procurement Service
  • Obtain the Korea Certification Mark(KC)
  • Product Subjected to Performance Testing by Korea Testing Certification institute(KTC)
  • Registered 3 domestic patents 2 software copyrights
  • Applied a PCT international patent
  • Direct Production verification certification by the Public Procurement Service [Detailed product number > 4321151004]

Patent Technology solving the problems of existing recording products

Significant improvement in reliability of recording file

Patent Technology / SW copyright details

  • Patent No. 10-1702535 / Recording system reflecting fault-tolerant design
  • Patent No. 10-1702535 / malfunction response device and method of redundant recording system
  • Patent No. 10-2324065 / Multi-channel audio real-time simultaneous monitoring and time base integrated file generation
  • copyright registration No. C-2020-030807-2 web server program(AnyRec master1.0-S-P1.0)
  • copyright registration No. C-2020-030811-2 call recording board engine(AnyRec master1.0-H-P1.0)
  • Applied a PCT international patent PCK/KR2015/011269 Recording board and recording system with improved reliability through fault-tolerant design

Economic efficiency through Innovative Cost Savings

26% cost reduction in redundancy construction

  • the embody of redundancy for design technology advancement
  • simultaneous satisfaction of stability and economy
  • 26% cost reduction compared to domestic companies

Max 87% reduce processing expense in recording board

  • Existing product, full replacement of recording board
  • Application of structural design technology to core module of recording board
  • Only defective core modules can be replaced

Result of “economic effect (LCC) cost analysis” by an external professional agency

  • External service of Korea Statistical Research Institute
  • 25.57% cheaper than existing products
  • Investigated as an excellent economic effect

A Comparative Comparison of Redundancy and Module malfunction Handling Costs Based on Korean Company M

Redundancy Construction Cost
Redundancy Construction Cost
8ch Module malfunction Handling Costs
8ch Module malfunction Handling Costs
1ch Module malfunction Handling Costs
1ch Module malfunction Handling Costs

The advantages of a product